Copyright is the exclusive right to control creative works by the owner for a defined period under the Copyright Act 1987. Such works include literary works, musical works, artistic works, films, sound recordings, broadcasts, and derivative works.
While it is not necessary for copyright to be registered, notified, or deposited with any authority for copyright to subsist in Malaysia, a copyright voluntary notification may be filed with MyIPO. Once processed, a certificate of notification of copyright will be issued which acts as prima facie evidence of the ownership in the copyright. Alternatively, a copyright owner may also assert copyright ownership by affirming a statutory declaration pursuant to Section 42 of the Copyright Act 1987 (commonly known as a Section 42 SD).
Given that copyright will expire after a fixed duration, certain works which are eligible for trademark protection such as distinctive artistic works, logos or sounds which are used to identify a trader should also be filed as trademarks since such registration can last for an indefinite period upon renewal every 10 years.
Our team of experienced professionals are able to provide specialist advice on the best strategies to manage, commercialise and enforce your copyright.