Joyce Tan provides a brief summary of trademark registration for companies that are interested in doing business in the ASEAN region.
The first step in protecting your trademark for your business is to register it in your home country or market. Trademark protection is however territorial in nature. This means the protection is only limited to the country in which trademark registration has been sought and obtained. To enforce your trademark rights in other countries where you may have interest in or intend to expand your business to, it would be necessary to seek registration in those countries. The following is a summary table providing an overview of trademark registration covering the 10 ASEAN countries.
For detailed information in relation to overseas trademark registration, please do not hesitate to reach out to our trademark professionals.
Joyce’s practice is focused on trademark prosecution. She has vast experience in worldwide trademark coordination.
The information provided in this publication is for general information purposes only and is not intended to constitute legal advice. Please consult a legal professional or contact us should you require further clarification.